Kim H. Norris Writing Portfolio

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Studies in Conflict: Part 1 (In the Category of Say What You Mean.)

My latest short story effort, to be submitted (hopefully) for my April #12Contests entry, lacks conflict in my opinion, so I've been exploring the characters, and the conflicts that drive them, in a few prequels. The first one, woman vs. self, is over on WordPress, and I hope you will check it out, as I could really use some feedback. I'm struggling with this topic, probably because I have a pretty peaceful life (knocks wood).

I love this character, Alice Davidson. She runs a restaurant (but does not appreciate any reference to the song). She's been having a tough time, and she's on the hairy edge of big change in her life. I know what she's going to do, but I can't wait to see how she gets there. This vignette gave me in a glimpse into why she's on the path she's on, how she plans to walk it, and what reward she shall reap in the end. In the meantime, Alice is having a bad day...