Kim H. Norris Writing Portfolio

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tarot on a Winter Solstice (A Poem in the Category of Be Where You Are.) #52Weeks

A half-hearted sunrise
And autumn’s last moon
Conga-dance the thin
Horizon line between
Less light and more.

In an ancient grove,
Under winter stars,
She steps into the
Bonfire glow, arms aloft,
Upholding heaven, her
Womb contracting with
The promise of daylight.

“As Winter approaches,
“You will need to look within.
“What part of you has died
“Or been cast off?”

“What part of you now understands
The Otherworld?”

To glean answers,
I turn the cards –
The lovely ones
This time –
Seeking ancient
Insight. Tarot
On a Winter Solstice;
The Celtic deck –
Stonehenge graces
“The Universe.”

The Present: the Adder – “Insight,
An ancient totem of
The Past: Britannia –
“A woman with an
“Otherworldly air.”

To know
You need only


The wind picked up and
Tattered clouds obscured
The aged moon. Cernunnos
Kicked the ashes of the
Conflagration grown cold --
Round and round the circle,
And the sparks flew
Upward as he traced
Her steps with his own.

Behold the Sun King!
And after painful labor
She rests; all is dark.

He will grow
Until the days of
Unending daylight
When the Hunt
Continues in
Beltane fields --
‘Neath summer
Stars. Sparks will fly
Upward when He steps
Into the bonfire glow,
Arms beckoning.

Blessed Be. #52Weeks