Be where you are * Want what you have * Say what you mean * Mean what you say -- Portfolio, opinions and fiction by Kim Norris, writer, editor, and lover of ramen.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Equinox (In the category of Be Where You Are.) #52Weeks
(September 22, 2013, 4:45 p.m.)
Summer ended
Just now,
Just this minute.
The bees didn't
Notice. They kept
At it.
Gathering nectar;
Drinking deep,
Spreading love
From plant to
Plant. The pace they
Keep from blossom
To blossom is
No less frantic.
No more so. Busy
As a bee is a
Summer ended
Just now.
Shadow angles
Shifted a degree,
And the air
Just now,
Just this minute,
Autumn arrived
Wood needs cutting.
What was sown
Needs reaping,
And a harvest
Moon will light
The way.
Here, just now.
Just this minute,
The bees didn't
Notice. They kept
At it.